I was hoping for an event like the outdoorshow in Friedrichshafen only a bit smaller, but it’s was al little too small for my taste. But anyway I had great time visiting the different stands. I didn’t go to any of the presentations, my German isn’t that good. But at the show I got a lot of information and inspiration for new trips. After visiting the Globewelt. We went to the Globetrotter store in Köln, six floor filled whit only outdoor gear. It was a gear junkie heaven. I had to controle myself and my credit card. And the end of the day I only bought A Primus MicronStove Ti that was on offer and a folding Nalgene bottle.
So all in all it was a great day indoor outdoor.
You will not regret either purchase, I used my primus stove in Lapland and Nalgene flexible bottles go everywhere with me. Enjoying the blog.